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Awakening for Soprano/Piano/Harp and Orchestra (2024)

Awakening for Soprano/Piano/Harp and Orchestra (2024)

Premiered on 4 Feb 2024 (立春) in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall by Lora Chow and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Lio Kuok-man, “Awakening for Soprano/Piano/Harp and Orchestra" serves as a joyous celebration of the arrival of spring, the beauty of love, the essence of growth, the significance of living in the present moment, and the pursuit of inner peace. Through its vibrant melodies, lush harmonies, and dynamic orchestrations, this piece invites listeners to immerse themselves in a musical journey that embodies the transformative power of nature and the human spirit. In the opening, the harp glissandi portray the gentle stir that awakens nature after a long winter slumber. The rising piano arpeggio mimics the subtle warmth of sunlight, while the woodwinds and brass instruments weave a tapestry of melodies reminiscent of birdsong. The soprano then sings a spirited melody (0:13), as the orchestra dances with lively rhythms, evoking a sense of renewal. Central to the piece is the celebration of love, which is expressed through tender and emotive melodies in the middle section by the solo piano (1:21). The music captures the essence of love's transformative power, reminding us of its ability to inspire, heal, and unite. Growth is another theme that permeates throughout the composition. The music builds upon itself, gradually expanding and evolving with increasing complexity. The orchestral textures become more intricate, reflecting the organic process of growth. The lyrics urges us to appreciate the beauty and richness of the here and now. Towards the end, the music conveys a profound sense of peace, providing a sanctuary of tranquility (3:30). The ethereal harp and serene harmony create a contemplative atmosphere (3:41), inviting listeners to find solace and inner peace. This piece highlights the profound interconnectedness between nature, human emotions and the human spirit. May the performance of this composition envelop listeners in a sense of awe and inspire them to embrace the beauty and abundance of life in all its manifestations. The lyrics of Awakening was co-written by Mingka Yu and Lora Chow: In the land of slumber, beneath the winter's veil, Golden rays awaken the flowers still and frail. As the sunlight shimmers through the trees, the joy of spring prevails. Tulips sway and flirt, sing an ode to love's sweet tale. Scents of fresh petals make our spirits set to sail. Through life's ebb and flow, I find solace and grow With you by my side, The warmth of your love abides. Spread the hues of spring softly to the shades out there Cherry colours bloom, let the blossoms fill the air! Let's rejoice! We awaken from winter's night, embrace the light. With every dawn, new hopes shine bright. Primavera, wonderful sight! Let nature take our hands and guide. Let the misery subside. Let the joy, let the laughter be amplified. Spread the joy of spring! Sing to all the souls out there. Heal your hearts with songs, let them lift you from despair. Let's rejoice with music everywhere. Let go of your past, there are no more tears to spare. Spring is the season of awakening.
《新版恨綿綿》譚新強 鄧美玲 New Butterfly Lovers with Ballet by Jasmine Lam & Forrest Rain, music by Lora Chow

《新版恨綿綿》譚新強 鄧美玲 New Butterfly Lovers with Ballet by Jasmine Lam & Forrest Rain, music by Lora Chow

西九文化區戲曲中心大劇院 2024年11月28日演出現場錄影 Live recording at the Xiqu Centre Grand Theatre on 28 November 2024. 曲:周曉晴 Music by Lora Chow 詞:鄭國江 Lyrics by Cheng Kwok Kong 唱:譚新強 鄧美玲 Sung by Eddie Tam and Mi-Ling Tang 芭蕾舞 Ballet by Jasmine Lam and Forrest Rain 小提琴獨奏:王倩兒 Solo Violin by Nina Wong Violin: Aaron Chan Viola: Martin Kwok Cello I: Jia Nan Cello II: Ian Mok 恨綿綿 為何世間良緣 每多波折 總教美夢成泡影 情天偏偏缺 蒼天愛捉弄人 情緣常破滅 無奈困於繭中掙不脫 想化蝴蝶 衝開萬千結 情人幻化彩蝶齊飛 借仙女散的花去做墓碑 有過痴情方有恨 化煙亦是 甜甜蜜蜜 這日隔開 他生盼可再續緣作鴛鴦侶 再不忍千里相送 但求解相思痛 一對天仙配誓死要重逢 太多美好故事被無情斷送 嘆息世間抱撼令人沉重 情緣強中斷時 痛苦不消說 可歌往事留在腦海 夢中空泣血 即使未許白頭 柔情難以絕 情義似水滔滔斬不斷 翻作恨史 千秋待清雪 Endless Resentment Why do good relationships in the world are often full of twist and turns Always turning beautiful dreams into illusions, luck often falls short The heavens love to mock people, relationships often end in ruin Helpless, trapped, unable to break free from the cocoon Yearning to transform into a butterfly, breaking through a million knots. Turning into a pair of butterfly lovers, we fly together Using the flowers scattered by heavenly maidens to build a tomb Only profound infatuation can bring such resentment Even turning into smoke, our love is still sweet and blissful On this parting day, we pray for our reunion in the next life as a pair of inseparable lovers Bidding farewell is too unbearable, only wishing for a cure for this painful lovesickness Transcending death, we vow to reunite at all cost Too many beautiful stories have been ruthlessly cut short Sighing with a heavy heart at the many regrets on earth. When a strong bond is abruptly severed, the pain is beyond words Fond memories linger in the mind, tears shed in empty dreams Even if we cannot grow old together, our love knows no end Like flowing water, our affection runs deep and cannot be severed Turning into a history of resentment, a tale awaiting to be told. Translation by Sharon Wong


©2024 by Lora Chow

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